Rodent Exclusion

Keep them out by not letting them in!

Rodents can get in anywhere, and once they are present, they’re not going away. Prevention is key to dealing with pesky rodents that want to invade your home and encroach on your precious cookie stash!

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What is rodent Exclusion

The best way to keep your home rodent free is by not allowing them in your home in the first place! Keep rodents from getting into your home by utilizing our rodent exclusion services

Why do rodents come into my home?

Well, you certainly have a better home than anything a rodent can devise.

Think about it – we got warmth, mountains of food and nice dark corners for deep sleep. Our homes act as a 5 star hotel for pests, so once they discover your luxury pad, good luck getting them out!

In addition to having awesome living conditions, our homes have many areas that can be breached by small critters. Plumbing vents might be how we flush our waste away, but they also act as entry points for rats to surf their way into our walls. Similarly, heating vents provide warmth for our cold toes in the winter but can also be an easily bypassed admission into our basements.


How can I keep them out?

That’s where we come in.

The first steps towards exclusion is identifying all the potential areas that can be breached around your home. This includes looking at the roof and also looking through any basements or underground spaces you may have.Inspections need to be continuous, as often when one entrance is blocked, another is eroded into existence.

Did you know that mice can fit inside a hole as small as a pencil?

Hard to believe but mice and other rodents can squeeze their bodies into tight spaces, allowing for a quick getaway from a fatal predator, or a sneaky entrance into a forbidden home.Either way, measures taken towards rodent exclusion must keep in mind the ability of rodents to make themselves smaller and how that can effect their ability to breach into spaces otherwise ignored. One entrance found by a mouse or rat can attract dozens more to that same entrance.

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